Services & Schedule
"There are some shuls that have a great Chazzan, others may have comfortable seats. Our Shul is a completely different experience, complete with an awesome rabbi and lots of exciting entertainment. Our Shul promises never a dull moment and action not to be missed!"
Chabad House Berkeley Address is
1710 University Avenue
Shabbat / ערב שבת
Mincha (Friday Afternoon Services) begin 15 minutes before sundown.
Summertime, we pray Mincha 15 minutes before Plag HaMincha
Maariv (Friday Evening Services) begin an hour after sundown.
Shabbat Day / יום שבת
Shacharit (Morning Service) at Chabad Berkeley's minyan at 9:30 am,
Followed by the Torah Reading and Musaf.
Kiddush (Luncheon) after the Musaf service.
Click Here to sponsor a Kiddush
Weekday Services:
Shacharit services at Congregation Beth Israel 6:30 a.m. (Sunday and Legal Holidays 8:00 a.m.).
1630 Bancroft Way at Jefferson in Berkeley.
Mincha/Ma'ariv services
Call CBI office to get the exact time. Usually 15 minutes before sundown.