Chabad of the East Bay in the News

 berkeleyside-nosh-logo.png       Chabad Berkeley helped famous business become kosher.

        November 22, 2016 


jweekly_logo.gifLatke delivery to People's Park in Berkeley

December 12, 2013


jweekly_logo.gifOrthodox expert serves up advice on sex, marriage, intimacy in Berkeley talk

May 10, 2012 


jweekly_logo.gifJews of color find home at Chabad school 

March 22, 2012


 jweekly_logo.gifJoy in Berkeley as Chabad dedicates new headquarters

 September 22, 2011 

jweekly_logo.gifHomegrown wedding: Bay Area Chabad first: Raised in Berkeley, now husband and wife

June 11, 2009